Last Updated: 28.06.2024
At NaughtyCupid, we strive to provide an exceptional user experience for all our members. As part of our commitment to transparency, please be aware that NaughtyCupid operates on a no-refund policy. Once a purchase has been made, whether for a subscription, or any other service, it is considered final.
All refunds regarding subscription plans, features, or digital content will be reviewed on a case by case basis by our team.
Users are responsible for understanding the terms of their purchase before completing any transaction on NaughtyCupid.
We provide users with the opportunity to test our services before purchasing any subscription. This allows users to make an informed decision when purchasing a subscription to any of the paid plans.
Users can cancel their subscription at any time, and the cancellation will be effective at the end of the current billing period.
Upon termination, users will retain access to paid features until the end of the billing cycle.
For inquiries or concerns related to billing or subscriptions, please contact our support team at
Please carefully review our Refund Policy before making any purchases on NaughtyCupid. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated as we work to ensure a fair and consistent experience for all users.
[ELIAS MAHDAVI] [Località Sant Elmo SNC, Castiadas (SU), 09040, Italy]